Press Releases 2017
No. Date Image Title
013 01.02.2017 2017_013_Aus_Forschung_Innovation_machen_72dpi
026 01.03.2017 With their bonus cards, consumers collect bonus points when paying for purchases. Cryptographic methods help to better protect privacy. (Photo: KIT)
109 01.08.2017 The IFL PiRo robot detects the objects desired and automatically puts them into shopping baskets. (Photo: Laila Tkotz, KIT)
119 01.09.2017 The Karis Pro logistics robot can transport surprisingly big loads. (Photo: KIT, Audi Sport GmbH)
055 02.05.2017 Meeting point for students and companies: The KIT Career Fair. (Photo: Farima Narimani)
142 02.10.2017 2017_142_Autonomes Fahren auf dem Busbetriebshof_72dpi
159 02.11.2017 The fight against neglected poverty-related diseases can only be won jointly. Photo of a vaccination lab in Guinea. (Photo: WHO/Sean Hawkey)
014 03.02.2017
015 03.02.2017 2017_015_Campus Alpin des KIT tritt Bayerischer Klima-Allianz bei_72dpi
086 03.07.2017 2017_086_Die Wasserqualitaet von Stauseen im Blick_72dpi
087 03.07.2017 2017_087_Knapp eine Million Euro fuer Projekte im European Campus_72dpi
088 03.07.2017 In the KIT Power Tool Test Center, robots perform automated tests on electric tools just as humans would do. (Illustration: KIT)
043 04.04.2017 2017_043_Hannover_Messe_-_Innovative_Technologien_fuer_Energiewende_E-Mobilitaet_und_Materialwissenschaften_72dpi
056 04.05.2017 Which home does the city offer to locals and to strangers? This is one of the questions covered by the “City Conversations” of ZAK from May 10. (Photo: Nicole Brinnel)
089 04.07.2017 Small connector, big effect: This plug-and-play adapter overcomes language barriers between machines and facilitates modifications of industrial facilities. (Photo: KIT)
090 04.07.2017 Autonomous driving relies on systems that are supposed to assist in the interaction between man and the car (Photo: “PAKoS” project)
091 04.07.2017 2017_091_Britta Nestler erhaelt Leibniz-Preis_72dpi
121 04.09.2017 2017_121_Nachwachsende_Baustoffe_fuer_die_Staedte_der_Zukunft_72dpi
122 04.09.2017  Sunday’s North Korean nuclear test raised Karlsruhe by one micrometer. (Photo: KIT, GPI)  ((Recordings by the seismic stations at GPI and in Durlach after the nuclear test))
120 04.09.2017 2017_120_Das Tote Meer Umweltforschung am Rand der Extreme_72dpu
143 04.10.2017 Contrary to classical bits, quantum bits can assume two states at the same time: Right and left, yellow and blue, zero and one. (Photo: KIT)
175 04.12.2017 Dr. Martin Brudermüller, Vice Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors and Chief Technology Officer of BASF, and Professor Holger Hanselka, President of KIT.  (Photo: Dölger, BASF)
174 04.12.2017 2017_174_Neue Weltkarte zeigt Karstgrundwasserleiter_72dpi
044 05.04.2017 The sulfur-based technology for the storage of solar energy will be tested at the Jülich solar power tower. (Photo: DLR)
058 05.05.2017 Professor Holger Hanselka, President of KIT. (Photo: Laila Tkotz)
057 05.05.2017 2017_057_Wegweiser fuer Aufbruch in Industrie 4_72dpi
092 05.07.2017
124 05.09.2017
123 05.09.2017 2017_123_Virtueller Fahrlehrer und realitaetsnaher Fahrsimulator.jpg_72dpi
144 05.10.2017 Otto Lehmann at his laboratory. By studying liquid crystals, the physicist opened up the basis of today’s flat and energy-efficient LCDs. (Photo: KIT Archive 27058, 8)
176 05.12.2017 The consortium partners of the RegioMOVE project consider all types of mobility. (Photo: KVV/Peter Hennrich)
016 06.02.2017 2017_016_Student_des_KIT_auf_Forbes_-_Liste_30_Under_ 30_aufgenommen_72dpi
027 06.03.2017 Ten years ERC: So far, the European Research Council has funded twelve scientists of KIT and their cutting-edge projects. (Graphics: ERC)
045 06.04.2017 Studies or vocational training: On the Girls’ Day, KIT will inform about job perspec-tives. (Photo: Tanja Meißner, KIT)
071 06.06.2017 2017_071_KIT_und_Bosch_gemeinsam_innovativ_72dpi
093 06.07.2017 2017_093_Solar-Brille erzeugt Sonnenstrom_72dpi
125 06.09.2017 2017_125_Modelle des Knochenmarks zur Erforschung von Blut und Muskel Skelett Erkrankungen_72dpi
126 06.09.2017 The electric motor is of crucial importance in the electric drivetrain of hybrid, fuel-cell, and electric vehicles. (Photo: Martin Lober/KIT)
028 07.03.2017 Exercise is a central element of health promotion of children and adolescents.     (Photo: Manuel Balzer, KIT)
047 07.04.2017 2017_047_Optik bringt Quanteninformationsverarbeitung voran_72dpi
046 07.04.2017 2017_046_Pflanzen mit passgenau kombinierten Eigenschaften_72dpi
073 07.06.2017 Australian Laureate Fellow 2017: Professor Christopher Barner-Kowollik (Photo: Irina Westermann)
072 07.06.2017 2017_072_Tag_der_offenen_Tuer_2017_-_Effektvoll_am_KIT_72dpi
094 07.07.2017 2017_094_Kompakte Beschleuniger Mit Terahertz-Licht in die Materie blicken_72dpi
029 08.03.2017
030 08.03.2017 Sensors and detectors of enhanced precision for particle physics experiments, such as KATRIN, are the objective of the International Neutrino Mass Network. (Photo: KIT)
059 08.05.2017 Cold heart: KIT’s computing center is equipped with a highly energy-efficient air cooling system. (Photo: KIT)
074 08.06.2017 2017_074_Nature_-_Optische_Kommunikation_im_Rekordtempo_72dpi
075 08.06.2017
127 08.09.2017 Damage caused by hurricane Irma in the Caribbean in billion US$. (Image: CEDIM/KIT)
001 09.01.2017 Winterstürme sorgen für enorme Schäden, wie hier im Schwarzwald bei Baiersbronn. (Foto: Markus Breig, KIT)
017 09.02.2017 2017_017_KIT_setzt_Zeichen_fuer_Nachhaltigkeit_72dpi
031 09.03.2017 The molecular contact can be switched on and off mechanically and electrostatically. (Photo: KIT)
060 09.05.2017
076 09.06.2017 2017_076_Forschen_fuer_nachhaltiges_Leben_im_Quartier_72dpi
146 09.10.2017 Start of semester: KIT ceremony at the Karlsruhe Congress Center to welcome its new students. (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT)
145 09.10.2017 The SmartAQnet research project pools data from old and new measurement systems to better understand urban air pollution. (Photo: P. Langer/KIT)
160 09.11.2017 Kerosene atomization experiment: Simulations are aimed at calculating the optimum droplet distribution. (Photo: KIT)
002 10.01.2017 2017_002_Nature_Com_-_Nervenzellen_modulieren_Wachstum_von_Blutgefaessen_72dpi
095 10.07.2017 2017_095_Maschinenbautag 2017 am KIT Ingenieure in Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft_72dpi
096 10.07.2017
112 10.08.2017 2017_112_Zukunftsforscher Unsere Alltagstechnik nicht normal_72dpi
147 10.10.2017 Autonomous and interconnected vehicles are an important element of new mobility schemes and studied using research platforms, such as OPTICAR. (Photo: A. Drollinger/KIT)
161 10.11.2017 Vanessa Kappings working with the “vasQchip” that combines miniaturized organs and realistically replicated blood vessels. (Photo: Laila Tkotz, KIT)
061 11.05.2017 2017_061_ Autonomes Fahren Das Umfeld stets im Blick_72dpi
097 11.07.2017 2017_097_Molekuell aus der Natur macht Akku-Elektrode hochleistungsfaehig_72dpi
148 11.10.2017 Close-up view of KIT’s new multifunctional electron microscope. (M. Balzer/KIT)
149 11.10.2017
003 12.01.2017 Kleinleistungsleuchtdioden Array. Hier beeinträchtig der Ausfall einer einzelnen LED das Gesamtsystem nicht. (Bild: KIT)
048 12.04.2017 2017_048_Solarzellen_mit_Nanostreifen_72dpi
078 12.06.2017 2017_078_Erna Scheffler Foerderpreis fuer vorzuegliche Forschung_72dpi_3
077 12.06.2017 2017_077_Spatenstich fuer die Energiewende_72dpi
128 12.09.2017 Setup of the single-atom transistor first developed in Karlsruhe by Thomas Schimmel and his team in 2004. (Photo: KIT/Schimmel)
129 12.09.2017
177 12.12.2017 Biofilm on the anode (bottom) of the fuel cell: KIT researchers use optical coherence tomography to visualize the microbial biofilms that generate electric energy. (Graphics: Michael Wagner, KIT)
018 13.02.2017 The tram with the instruments on top of the driver’s cabin and the AERO-TRAM logo made a total of 6228 measurement drives. (Photo: Patrick Langer, KIT)
079 13.06.2017 2017_079_Meer – Rohstoffquelle, Klimafaktor und Fluchtweg_72dpi
150 13.10.2017 Karl Steinbuch when he left the company of Standard Elektrik Lorenz in 1958. (Pho-to: KIT Archives)
162 13.11.2017 2017_162_Grover-Algorithmus_72dpi
019 14.02.2017
032 14.03.2017 2017_032_CeBIT_-_Autonomes_Fahren_und_weitere_Blicke_in_die_Zukunft_72dpi
098 14.07.2017 2017_098_Umwelttechnikpreis_-_KIT_an_zwei_Projekten_beteiligt_72dpi
110 14.09.2017 2017_110_Elektromobilitaet - Masterplan fuer Schnelllade-Tankstellen_72dpi
130 14.09.2017 2017_131_Fitness App macht Familie zum Bewegungs Team_72dpi
111 14.09.2017 2017_111_Goldpartikel heilen sich selbst_72dpi
163 14.11.2017 2017_163_Informationstag zum Studium am KIT_72dpi
178 14.12.2017 2017_178_Warum Teige an Oberflaechen kleben.jpg_72dpi
020 15.02.2017 2017_020_Metallorganische_Gerueste_fungieren_als_Webstuehle_72dpi
034 15.03.2017
033 15.03.2017 2017_033_Auf dem Weg zum Mars - Instrumententest im Schwarzwald_72dpi
062 15.05.2017 2017_062_Besseres Wassermanagement in trockenen Gebieten_72dpi
113 15.08.2017 2017_113_Bye bye Elfenbeinturm – Hello offene Wissenschaft_1_72dpi
131 15.09.201 2017_131_Schnitzel aus der Petrischale stoesst auf Akzeptanz.jpg_72dpi
164 15.11.2017 2017_164_Das_Schweigen_der_Hummeln_72dpi
165 15.11.2017 2017_165_Gefahr durch Antibiotika Resistenzen weiterhin gross_72dpi
021 16.02.2017 2017_021_Die_wahre_Groesse_der_Goetter_und_Giganten_vermessen_72dpi
035 16.03.2017 2017_035_Ein Fuenftel aller Lebensmittel wird verschwendet_72dpi
063 16.05.2017 At the pulse of the campus: The Karlsruhe inter-university campus radio will start on Wednesday, May 17. (Photo: KIT)
151 16.10.2017 The catalytic converter of a car converts toxic carbon monoxide (CO) into non-toxic carbon dioxide (CO2) and consists of cerium (Ce), oxygen (O), and platinum (Pt). (Figure: Gänzler/KIT)
004 17.01.2017 Hochleistungsrechner sind ein Werkzeug der Wissenschaft, um zu neuen Erkenntnissen zu kommen.  (Bild: KIT)
100 17.07.2017 2017_100_Himmel ueber Europa Messkampagne zur Luftqualitaet_72dpi
099 17.07.2017 2017_099_Laufende Bilder geheime Botschaften und eine Reise durch Raum und Zeit_72dpi
152 17.10.2017 2017_152_Sicheres Bezahlen ohne Datenspur_72dpi
166 17.11.2017 For the third time now, the “Science Night” students group has organized the public lectures series. (Photo: Ingo Reuter)
064 18.05.2017 2017_064_Energiewende intelligent vernetzt nachhaltig_72dpi
101 18.07.2017 GLORIA, the aircraft-based prototype of AtmoSat, has been operated on the HALO research aircraft since 2012. (Photo: Laila Tkotz, KIT)
133 18.09.2017
132 18.09.2017
006 19.01.2017 Die Ringstruktur des Metamaterials wurde von Kettenhemden aus der Ritterzeit inspiriert. (Bild: KIT)
080 19.06.2017 2017_080_Innovationstag - Jeder Konzern war mal ein Start-up_72dpi
102 19.07.2017 Fine levelling - highly precise measurement of height differences at Linachtalsperre. (Photo: GIK)
153 19.10.2017 Nanostructures of the wing of Pachliopta aristolochiae can be transferred to solar cells and enhance their absorption rates by up to 200 percent. (Graphics: Radwanul H. Siddique, KIT/Caltech)
036 20.03.2017 2017_036_Energie_aus_der_Toilette_72dpi
049 20.04.2017 2017_049_Nature_3D_Druck_jetzt_auch_mit_Glas_moeglich_klein
154 20.10.2017 “Parallel worlds“ and the risks and opportunities associated with them will be in the focus of the Colloquium Fundamentale in the coming winter term. (Photo: Irina Westermann)
167 20.11.2017 Fluoropor coating on a copper thin film (Photo: Bastian E. Rapp, KIT)
022 21.02.2017 2017_022_Karlsruher_Gespraeche_zu_Vielfalt_Demokratie_und_Populismus_72dpi
037 21.03.2017 2017_037_Big Data Approach to Predict Protein Structure_72dpi
081 21.06.2017 2017_081_Gerd_Hirzinger_erhaelt_-_Heinrich-Hertz-Gastprofessur_72dpi
114 21.08.2017 European research partners pool their know-how of a variety of energy infrastructures, such as storage systems, solar power and biomass, for the Energiewende. (Photo: KIT/PCE)
134 21.09.2017
168 21.11.2017 When processing semiconductor wafers, small surface defects may lead to large defects inside and to steps on large surface areas. (Figure: D. Hänschke/KIT)
023 22.02.2017 2017_023_HIGH-TOOL_unterstuetzt_Verkehrsplanung_in_Europa_1_72dpi
115 22.08.2017 Systems converting energy of the body into electricity, such as this foot prosthesis, are to be used by KIT scientists to power portable electric devices, such as smartphones or pacemakers of the heart. (Photo: KIT/Andreas Keller, courtesy KUNZBERG GmbH)
135 22.09.2017 High-energy cosmic rays reach the Earth from a preferred direction (red) that does not correspond to the center of our Milky Way. (Graphics: Pierre Auger Observatory/KIT)
025 23.02.2017 Professor Dr. Robert Klanner is granted the 2016 Julius Wess Award. (Photo: DESY)
024 23.02.2017
038 23.03.2017 In the future, inspectors at shipyards are to directly supply digital information about the construction progress and safety deficiencies. (Photo: M. Wessels / MEYER WERFT)
065 23.05.2017 The partners signing the endowment agreement. From left to right: Katharina Ludwig, Johann Soder (both SEW-EURODRIVE), Holger Hanselka, Thomas Hirth (both KIT). (Photo: KIT)
066 23.05.2017
050 24.04.2017 2017_050_Loeschbare_Tinte_fuer_den_3DDruck_72dpi
067 24.05.2017 Fish and knowledge will be served by KIT’s knowledge buffet on the occasion of the Science Year – Seas and Oceans. (Photo: Philipp Schrögel)
082 24.06.2017 2017_082 Grosses Interesse am Tag der offenen Tuer_1_72dpi
104 24.07.2017 Dr. Emma Järvinen studied light scattering of complex atmospheric particles using aircraft data. (Photo: Emma Järvinen/KIT)
103 24.07.2017 2017_103_Power to Liquid 200 Liter Sprit aus Solarstrom und dem Kohlenstoffdioxid der Umgebungsluft_72dpi
155 24.10.2017 2017_155_Praxistest_Stromhandel_1_72dpi
169 24.11.2017 Forces from above are transmitted to the vertical ring structures via bars. The rotation of the rings exerts forces onto the corners of the horizontal planes of the cube. (T. Frenzel/KIT)
007 25.01.2017 2017_007_Wohnen_wie_der_Pfalzgraf_72dpi
105 25.07.2017 2017_105_Daddeln auf Wettkampfniveau_72dpi
136 25.09.2017 2017_136_Wie Schalter in Bakterien funktionieren_72dpi
137 25.09.2017 2017_137_ZEISS investiert 30 Millionen Euro_72dpi
156 25.10.2017 Counterfeits and product piracy can be prevented by security features, such as printed 3D microstructures, on products or packagings. (Photo: Frederik Mayer/KIT)
008 26.01.2017 2017_008_Mobilitaet_-_Optimale_Interaktion_zwischen_Mensch_und_Auto_72dpi
051 26.04.2017 2017_051_Naturkatastrophen_kosten_Winzer_jaehrlich_Milliarden_72dpi
068 26.05.2017 2017_068_Wachstumsmechanismus der Pilze entschluesselt_72dpi
083 26.06.2017 2017_083_Energieplanung  Bessere Algorithmen fuer Entscheider_72dpi
106 26.07.2017 Embryonal brain development: Axons (green) of retina neurons read biochemical signals by means of a growth cone (magenta) equipped with molecular antennas and guide them to targets to interconnect the visual system of the brain. (Photo: KIT, Weth)
138 26.09.2017 2017_138_Am Fuss der Zugspitze die meisten Gewitter.jpg_72dpi
139 26.09.2017 2017_139_KIT_PI_2017_139_Wissensbuffet schmeckt ausgezeichnet - Sieg beim Hochschulwettbewerb von Wissenschaft im Dialog.jpg_72dpi
052 27.04.2017 2017_052_Elektroimpulse saeubern Industriewaesser und Lacke_72dpi
053 27.04.2017 2017_053_Fuer_eine_starke_Wissenschaftskommunikation_in_Deutschland_72dpi
084 27.06.2017 2017_084_Elektromobilitaet fuer den Alltag optimieren_72dpi
157 27.10.2017 Education of future teachers also is in the focus of MINT2KA, a project of KIT and PH with teaching-learning labs in STEM subjects. (Photo: Manuel Balzer/KIT)
179 27.12.2017 The Lab’s future space will be turned into an urban sustainability center for science and citizens. (Photo: KIT)
039 28.03.2017 2017_039_Top_Leistung_dank_optimaler_Einstellung_72dpi
040 28.03.2017 2017_040_Wirbel als Raeder der Natur_72dpi
054 28.04.2017 2017_054_Minireagenzglaeser aus Wassertropfen_72dpi
116 28.08.2017 At the KD2Lab, test subjects for behavioral research are shielded from undesired environmental impacts. (Photo: KIT)
140 28.09.2017 2017_140_Industrie der Zukunft Deutsch Franzoesische Kooperation_72dpi
170 28.11.2017 Both electric cars and plug-in hybrids can be run on electricity. Scientists involved in the Karlsruhe Priority Region for Mobility Systems have now compared their carbon dioxide emissions. (Photo: KIT/L. Albrecht)
171 28.11.2017 Christian Koos (left) and Christian Greiner (right) are awarded ERC Consolidator Grants. (Photos: Laila Tkotz/KIT)
069 29.05.2017 2017_069_Tour Eucor 2017 900 Kilometer durch drei Laender_72dpi
085 29.06.2017 Motorways and alternative transport options such as railways, waterways, and air routes are modeled with HIGH-TOOL to support political decision-making. (Illustration: KIT)
141 29.09.2017 2017_141_Exzellenzstrategie_-_KIT_mit_vier_Initiativen_im_Finale_bei_den_Exzellenzclustern_72dpi
172 29.11.2017 2017_172_Gips Schuele Forschungspreis fuer ultrakompakten Photodetektor_72dpi
009 30.01.2017 2017_009_KIT tritt ForschungsVerbund Erneuerbare Energien bei_72dpi
042 30.03.2017 2017_042_EU-Ranking_-_KIT_stark_in_Forschung_und_Wissenstransfer_72dpi
041 30.03.2017 Dried fruit, gravel or waste – all this is sorted on belt systems by size and quality. (Photo: Fraunhofer IOSB)
070 30.05.2017
117 30.08.2017 Two Lenz lenses are arranged in a Helmholtz coil pair. Simulation shows how the Lenz lenses focus magnetic flux. (Figure: Nils Spengler/KIT)
158 30.10.2017 The surface of bar-shaped ceria nanoparticles is comparable with the rock formations of Monument Valley – it has a number of edges, corners, and facets. (Photo: Alessandro Trovarelli/University of Udine)
173 30.11.2017 A kit for artificial hand prostheses with a sense of touch made by Vincent Systems allows for adapting the technology to the wearer. (Photo: Ansgar Pudenz/Deutscher Zukunftspreis)
012 31.01.2017 2017_012_Hoechstaufloesende_Lichtmikroskopie_ohne_Untergrund_72dpi
011 31.01.2017 2017_011_Energiewende_-_Mehr_Gas_fuer_die_Forschung_72dpi
010 31.01.2017 2017_010_Landnutzungswandel_verursacht_mehr_CO2_als_bisher_angenommen_72dpi
108 31.07.2017 The Geophysica high-altitude aircraft will take the researchers up into the “highest levels” of the monsoon. (Photo: Christof Piesch, KIT)
107 31.07.2017 Shaped conceptions and expectations are often part of scientific models. Using the Energy Lab 2.0 as an example, these mechanisms shall be analyzed. (Photo: KIT)
118 31.08.2017 2017_118_Harvey stuermt Top Ten der teuersten Naturdesaster_72dpi