Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) seeks to make its websites and mobile applications accessible in accordance with Article 10, par. 1 of the State Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities Act (L-BGG). The following declaration on accessibility applies to the website and all subdomains created with the OpenText central content management system.
Status of Compliance with the Requirements
This website is partly in compliance with Article 10, par. 1, L-BGG.
Inaccessible Contents
KIT runs an extensive website that is managed by numerous editors. Therfore, the accessibility aspects cannot always be guaranteed. However, we constantly strive to improve accessibility and to train and sensitize the editors.
The following contents are inaccessible or partly accessible only:
- Documents embedded in the website are not always available in an accessible format.
- Some videos embedded in the website do not have captions. Audio descriptions or full-text alternatives are not available.
- Text passages in other languages are not always marked.
- Links may be incomprehensible.
- Headings are not always in a hierarchical order.
- Some images do not have a descriptive text alternative.
- Color contrasts are sometimes insufficient.
Date of Issue
This declaration was issued on September 09, 2020, and last reviewed on November 14, 2024.
Method: Self-assessment
Feedback and Contact Data
The contents of our web appearance is to be equally accessible for people with a disability. In case you encounter inaccessibilities on our websites and in our mobile applications, help us: Send us an information and a description of the inaccessibility using the contact form or by electronic mail to internetredaktion ∂does-not-exist.sts kit edu.
You can also reach us by mail or telephone:
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Executive Office and Strategy
Corporate Communications
Kaiserstraße 12
76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)721/608-41105
Enforcement Procedure
To ensure that the website meets the requirements outlined in Article 10, par. 1, L-BGG, contact us and give a feedback. The contact data can be found above. If you do not receive any reply from us within four weeks or if our reply is not satisfactory, contact the Commissioner of the State Government for the Needs of People with Disabilities.
The Commissioner of the State Government for the Needs of People with Disabilities can be reached as follows:
Landes-Behindertenbeauftragte (State Commissioner for the Needs of People with Disabilities):
Geschäftsstelle der Landes-Behindertenbeauftragten (Office of the State Commissioner for the Needs of People with Disabilities):
Phone: +49 (0)711/279-3360
Else-Josenhans-Straße 6
70173 Stuttgart
Email: Poststelle∂
Please note the right of collective regress according to Article 12, par. 1, cl. 1, No. 4, L-BGG.
Further Information on Accessibility at KIT
At KIT, the following institutions take care of the needs of people with disabilities:
- Center for Digital Accessibility and Assistive Technology
- Representative for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Diseases
- Representatives for Disabled Employees