Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is “The Research University in the Helmholtz Association.“ It was established by the merger of Karlsruhe University (TH) and Karlsruhe Research Center in 2009. With around 10 000 employees – of whom, more than half work in research – KIT is one of the largest research institutions in Europe. KIT’s excellent research infrastructure ranges from state-of-the-art laboratory equipment to the world’s only large-scale facility of its kind.
Researchers at more than 100 institutes of KIT are offered conditions that are unique in the German science system: Nowhere is university tradition more closely linked to program-oriented research. Nowhere else can researchers use the infrastructure of a large-scale research institution and collaborate at a University of Excellence across all disciplines of natural sciences, engineering sciences, economics, the humanities, and social sciences. We offer reliable career paths in research. Nowhere are the opportunities for further qualification of young researchers bigger than at KIT, the only German University of Excellence that also pursues national large-scale research programs. At KIT, the way from the scientific result to a marketable product is shorter. Promoting the entrepreneurial spirit of our researchers is of high importance to us.
We offer our staff in administration and infrastructure an exciting and international work environment. They accompany our scientists in the search for answers to master the big future challenges facing our society.
Become part of the community of KIT and help manage the global challenges facing humankind by groundbreaking research.

We offer tailored start and development options.
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An exciting and international working environment will be waiting for you.
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We provide young talents with insight in research.
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Start your career at KIT - The Research University in the Helmholtz Association!
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