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Ring aus fünf Bismut-Atomen hergestelltKIT
Ring made from five Bismuth Atoms

With the synthesis of an unusual molecule, KIT researchers create the basis for the development of new materials and chemical processes

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Radiotherapy Inside the Body - to press release
Radiotherapy Inside the Body

New approach to tumor therapies to reduce side effects and costs and increase availability in the future – KIT and DKFZ project funded by the Carl Zeiss Foundation

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Quantum Network for Secure Communication - to press release
Quantum Network for Secure Communication

New fiber optic test track at KIT to drive research and development in quantum network technologies

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KIT at City Hall: Perspectives on the Mobility Transition - to the press release
KIT at City Hall: Perspectives on the Mobility Transition

Challenges and solutions for the future mobility - The KIT Mobility Systems Center presents itself and its current research

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Demonstration against right-wing extremism in Karlsruhe. The colors of the KIT (blue and green) are laid over it as a color gradient. Foto: Stadt Karlsruhe, Boris Burghardt / Collage: KIT
For Respect, Dialog, and an Open Society

KIT is Committed to Diversity – Science thrives on exchange and tolerance.

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Cover of the current issue of lookKIT
Fundamental Research

The current issue of lookKITgives an insight into the fundamental research conducted at KIT.

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Studierende am KIT KIT
Degree Programs

More than 100 degree programs in natural and engineering sciences, economics, humanities, social sciences and teaching.

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Hauptgebäude des KIT an der Kaiserstraße am Campus Süd Harry Marx, KIT
200 Years of KIT

KIT. Place of the future. Since 1825.
In 2025, KIT will celebrate its 200th anniversary.

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As a University of Excellence, KIT strengthens excellent research, maintains intensive dialog with society, and offers reliable career paths.

Research University in the Helmholtz Association

KIT is the only German university of excellence that combines a long university tradition with large-scale national research.


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