Press Release 180/2011

Euro Crisis and Rating Agencies

Current Challenges Associated with the Financial Market Crisis Will Be in the Focus of the 12th Symposium for the Finance Sector, Banks, and Insurance Companies
Dr. Thomas Mayer, Chefvolkswirt der Deutschen Bank AG, spricht beim Symposium über die versteckte Zahlungsbilanzkrise in der Eurozone (Foto: Martin Joppen)
Dr. Thomas Mayer, Chief Economist of Deutsche Bank AG, will speak about the hidden balance of payments crisis in the Euro zone. (Photo: Martin Joppen)

Financial markets presently are in a crisis of confidence: The two most important reasons are financial imbalances in the Euro zone and the regulation of the rating agencies. These topics will be in the focus of the 12th Symposium for the Finance Sector, Banks, and Insurance Companies, which take place at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) on December 15 and 16. The two main presentations will be given at the Tulla Hörsaal on KIT Campus South (building 11.40, Englerstrasse 11).

At the international symposium, representatives of science and practice will discuss current topics and challenges of economy. The list of main speakers and their contributions reflect the still ongoing crisis of financial markets. After the symposium will have been opened on Thursday, December 15, 9 hrs, Professor Milton Harris, financial expert from the Booth School of Business of the University of Chicago, will speak about the regulation of rating agencies. On Friday, Decebmer 16, 11 hrs, Dr. Thomas Mayer, Chief Economist of Deutsche Bank AG and previous employee of the International Monetary Fund, will speak about the hidden balance of payments crisis within the Euro zone.

The presentations on both days will be given in English. With nearly 80 presentations in total, the symposium at Karlsruhe is one of the most important events addressing the financial sector, banks, and insurance companies in Europe. 300 international participants are expected by the organizers from the KIT Institute for Finance, Banking, and Insurance.

For the program and registration, click



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le, 07.12.2011

Margarete Lehné
Chief Press Officer (acting)
Phone: +49 721 608-41105
Fax: +49 721 608-43658
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