Press Release 070/2009

A Forum for Top Talents

Faculty of Informatics Establishes Group of Talented Young Researchers – Joint Platform of Four Scholarship Programs
Plato and Aristotle in conversation. The antique model of a modern group of talented researchers based on scientific discourse(Picture: La Suola di Athene, Raffaello Sanzio, 1509, source: Wikipedia)

A new instrument to promote talented young researchers is established by the KIT Faculty of Informatics. Active and retired professors wish to counteract the lack of experts that is often complained about by industry and to support young top talents in cooperation with industrial companies. The new forum com-bines the previous scholarship programs of the Faculty of Informatics. The official opening will be celebrated on Thursday, July 09, 14 hrs (building 50.34, HS-101, ground floor).

“It is our objective to promote independently thinking, highly creative young people, as they are the innovators of tomorrow”, says Jörn Müller-Quade from the Faculty of Informatics, who coordinates the new forum for talented young students and researchers. Scholarship holders will be offered financial support and also given the opport-nity to participate in presentations, excursions, and events. “The scholarship holders will have the possibility to meet experts from science and industry and establish valuable contacts. In this way, they will be given insights in enterprises and research institutes and help for their future career”, underlines Müller-Quade. The about 40 scholarship holders of the four programs in the field of informatics will automatically become members of the new forum “Begabtenkolleg”.

One of the programs that are now combined is the Begabtenstiftung Informatik Karlsruhe (Foundation for the Promotion of Talented Young Scientists in Information Science, Karlsruhe) established by retired professors and extended by industrial companies. It supports students of higher semesters, who stand out due to their own initiative and innovative project proposals.

The Horst-Wettstein-Stipendienfonds (Horst Wettstein Scholarship Funds) supports excellent master and Ph. D. students working in the field of operation systems.

The Karlsruher Informatik-Industrie-Studienstipendium (KIIS, Karlsruhe Information Science-Industry Scholarship) program initiated by active professors addresses highly talented freshmen from socially disadvantaged families. A company mentor sponsors a scholarship holder by paying the study fees for a duration of ten semesters.

The Industrielles Stipendienprogramm der Fakultät Informatik und ihres Freundeskreises FFI (Industrial Scholarship Program of the Faculty of Information Science and Its Friends) grants scholarships of three years duration to master students for a swift completion of their studies.

The new forum of talented young students and researchers is aimed at linking the currently supported scholarship holders even beyond their studies and at enhancing contacts to former group members that are now established in science and industry.
Further information on the research group and the individual programs.

Journalists are cordially invited to come to the opening.


14.00 hrs

Opening by Professor Dr. Reussner,
Vice-dean for Research

Speech by Professor Dr. Umbach,
Chairman of the Executive Board of Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe

Welcome address by Mr. Winzenried,
Executive Board of WIBU Systems AG

Academic presentation by Professor Dr. Müller-Quade on
“The correctness and secrecy of elections when using election computers”

15.30 hrs Coffee break

16.00 hrs
Opening speech by Professor Dr. Reussner

Presentation of certificates and welcome letters to the scholarship holders

Experience reports by the scholarship holders
Benjamin Klatt and Christian Vetter

17.00 hrs
Buffet in the entrance hall of the deanery of the Faculty of Information Science (1st floor)

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is the merger of the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, member of the Helmholtz Asso-ciation, and the Universität Karlsruhe. This merger will give rise to an institution of internationally excellent research and teach-ing in natural and engineering sciences. In total, the KIT has 8000 employees and an annual budget of 700 million Euros. The KIT focuses on the knowledge triangle of research – teaching – innovation.

The Karlsruhe institution is a leading European energy research center and plays a visible role in nanosciences worldwide. KIT sets new standards in teaching and promotion of young scien-tists and attracts top scientists from all over the world. More-over, KIT is a leading innovation partner of industry.

lg, July 01, 2009

Margarete Lehné
Chief Press Officer (acting)
Phone: +49 721 608-41105
Fax: +49 721 608-43658
presse does-not-exist.kit edu

Contact for this press release:

Monika Landgraf
Press Officer
Phone: +49 721 608-21150
Fax: +49 721 608-41150
monika landgraf does-not-exist.kit edu

The press release is available as a PDF file.