5th European Data Protection Day

On the initiative of the Council of Europe, the fifth European Data Protection Day is being celebrated the 28th of January.

 Under the leadership of the Max Planck Society, the German research establishments have once again designed a poster, which you can all see at our institute today. We chose to call it “Employee Data Protection” because there is also an ongoing legislative procedure on this topic.

The way in which data is used should make administration as efficient and modern as possible but, at the same time, consider an employee’s right to protection against monitoring and unauthorized use or disclosure of personal information. To put it in a nutshell: "Use data. Protect employees."

It is the Council’s aim to increase awareness for data protection amongst European citizens. The 28th of January was not chosen by coincidence. It was on this day in 1981 that the Council of Europe signed Convention No. 108 on the protection of individuals with regard to the automatic processing of personal data.

Poster as PDF

del, 26.1.2011