Division IV - Natural and Built Environment

Wir schaffen und vermitteln Wissen für eine lebenswerte und würdevolle Zukunft für Alle.

Wir verbinden fachliche Exzellenz mit interdisziplinärem Denken zur Beantwortung großer gesellschaftlicher Fragen.

Wir entwickeln aufgrund der Vielfalt unserer Kulturen, Konzepte und Methoden nachhaltige Lösungen.

Wir inspirieren Menschen und fördern Talente.

KIT Division IV 'Natural and Built Environment' generates, teaches and applies knowledge about the changing Earth. This includes natural processes and developments as well as man-made changes and their impacts. To achieve this, research, teaching and innovation are bundled in strategic fields joining over 30 Institutes from architecture, civil engineering, geo- and environmental sciences, as well as meteorology and climate sciences. The scientists of Division IV explore, develop and teach local, regional and global solutions for a sustainable future. Teaching and acadamic affairs of Division IV are organized in the KIT departments of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Geo- and Environmental Sciences, while the mission-based large-scale research tasks are managed in frame of the Helmholtz program "Changing Earth-Sustaining our Future".

Head of Division

Prof. Dr. Johannes Orphal

Contact Team Division IV





Die Welt von heute verstehen und für morgen gestalten


Thessaloniki International Fair: Robert Habeck Catches Up on Sustainable Technologies from KIT

New Technologies and Sustainable Development: Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Visits KIT Pavilion.

2024_058_mobilabAnna-Barbara Grebhahn, KIT
Combating energy poverty: better access to affordable housing

KIT researchers are developing innovations for affordable and sustainably renovated living space.

StratosphaerenballonMichael Höpfner, KIT
Stratospheric balloon measures air composition from Sweden to Canada

Researchers at KIT and FZJ are developing a small and lightweight infrared spectrometer to explore the upper air layers.

beton-beschichtung-dehnraumkontakt, Karlsruhe
Making concrete more sustainable

KIT researchers provide an overview on how coatings can improve the properties of concrete.

Rastatt-Staueinbau-StadtwerkeChristian Damm, KIT
Climate protection: water for dry moorland

KIT researchers want to use sandbags to prevent moorland and biodiverse wet meadows from drying out.

2024_044_Klimawandel-GrundwasserSusanne Benz, KIT
Rising Temperatures Have an Impact on Groundwater Quality

KIT researchers investigate the effects of climate change on groundwater resources and the resulting consequences.

New Institute for Water and Environment (IWU) founded at KIT

The new Institute for Water and Environment (IWU) initiated its activities in January 2024. It was created as a merger of the 'Institute for Water and River Basin Management (IWG)' and the 'Institute of Hydromechanics (IfH)'. The occasion was celebrated on 17 May 2024 with the participation of all IWU employees.

Efficient building: Wood meets steel

KIT researchers are combining wood and steel to increase the load-bearing capacity of components and save material at the same time.



Urban Research at KIT

Contributions to sustainable urban development

Water Research at KIT

Sustainable concepts for the use and protection of water resources

Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus

KIT - Member of the Consortium Schneefernerhaus

Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology

Interdisciplinary research at KIT on disasters, risks and security

Klima und Umwelt
KIT Climate and Environment Center

For an Environment Worth Living in

Climate Protection and Sustainability

KIT works for the sustainability of our resources - in research, teaching and innovation
