Against Xenophobia

TU9 Universities Stand for Cosmopolitanism, Respect, and Tolerance.

Cosmopolitanism, tolerance, and diversity of opinion are high values of our society, which must be preserved and defended. As a member of TU9, the alliance of leading institutes of technology in Germany , Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) supports the joint statement of the TU9 universities "Against Xenophobia."

"With 6,000 foreign students and more than 1,000 international scientists, KIT stands for cosmopolitanism and tolerance," says KIT President Professor Holger Hanselka. "Science is international and thrives on cross-border thinking and the open exchange of ideas and opinions between all cultures. We can only solve global challenges across borders of nations. The same is true for the scientific gain of knowledge, as the work of our scientists knows no national borders. Therefore, we firmly reject any xenophobic attitudes in our country."

Statement of the TU9 universities

mla, 11.12.2018