Postdoc Phase

Scientific qualification and orientation

After completing the doctorate, the postdoc phase begins. It serves as a period of further scientific qualification and reflection about the future career in or outside science. A post-doctoral phase at KIT can begin directly after the doctorate or after a first postdoc phase at another university or a non-university institution. It has a maximum duration of three years.

During this career phase, the Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS) provides advice and support to (prospective) postdocs and their supervisors. It offers a wide range of information, counseling, and funding services, among other things, for the development of interdisciplinary skills and for networking in the scientific community. In addition, the KHYS Postdoc Office promotes systematic career planning both within and outside of academia.

When applying for third-party funds for research projects or researching and applying for a suitable junior research group, postdocs are broadly supported by KIT's Research Office (Forschungsförderung, FOR). Here, early career researchers also receive information about the framework conditions on the path to professorship.

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