Press Releases 2021
No. Date Image Title
049 31.05.2021 Neural networks enable precise simulations in material science – down to the level of individual atoms. (Illustration: Pascal Friederich, KIT)
030 31.03.2021 Studies or vocational training – on the Girls’ Day, KIT will inform about job perspectives in STEM subjects in particular. (Photo: Unsplash/ Gemma Chua-Tran)
106 30.11.2021 2021_106_3-D-Laser-Nanodrucker als kleines Tischgeraet_72dpi
071 30.07.2021 2021_071_Superrechner am KIT eingeweiht_72dpi
029 30.03.2021 2021_029_Antireflexfolie Was Hightech von Pflanzen lernen kann_72dpi
060 29.06.2021 2021_060_Zoom uebernimmt Ausgruendung kites aus dem KIT_72dpi
039 29.04.2021 2021_039_Vortragsreihe_Der Einfluss des Menschen auf das globale Oekosystem_72dpi
028 29.03.2021, aktualisiert am 30.03.2021 The nine state universities in Baden-Württemberg asked about 23,400 graduates for their satisfaction with their studies and the start of their employments. (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT)
006 29.01.2021 Visualization of a quantum processor: Its core contains a chip on which superconducting qubits are arranged in a checkered pattern. (Figure: Christoph Hohmann)
096 28.10.2021 2021_096_Mark Wise erhaelt Julius WessPreis 2021_72dpi
097 28.10.2021 2021_097_Lehramt studieren in Karlsruhe Virtueller Informationsabend_72dpi
086 28.09.2021 The KIT Science Week is a new participative and interactive type of event launched by KIT and its partners. (Graphics: KIT)
059 28.06.2021; updated 20.07.2021 2021_059_Supercomputer des KIT einer der 15 schnellsten in Europa_72dpi
038 28.04.2021 2021_038_Bioraffinerie am Bauernhof der Zukunft_1_72dpi
005 28.01.2021 On 12,000 square meters the new building offers space for current and future startups and spin-offs by both partners. (photo: ZEISS)
095 27.10.2021 Scanning electron microscopy of a multi-layered electrode cross section: Different active materials are used for the layers and applied simultaneously. (Figure: Joyce Schmatz, MaP - Microstructures and Pores GmbH, and Jana Kumberg, KIT)
085 27.09.2021 2021_085_Forschung fuer sichere Feststoffbatterien_72dpi
037 27.04.2021 2021_037_Perowskit Solarmodule Hohe Effizienz auf grosser Flaeche_27dpi
094 26.10.2021 Photovoltaic modules and energy storage systems at KIT’s Energy Lab 2.0 on Campus North. (Photo: Walter Frasch, KIT)
079 26.08.2021 Physico-virtual prototypes of components can be changed by a few clicks on the screen. (Photo: Laila Tkotz, KIT)
048 25.05.2021 2021_048_7 Tage_7 Fragen_7 Formate_72dpi
027 25.03.2021 The flexible production system combines the high productivity and precision of special machines with the flexibility and adaptability of industrial robots. (Photo: wbk, KIT)
016 24.02.2021 2021_016_KIT staerkt IT-Sicherheitsforschung_72dpi
105 23.11.2021 Karlsruhe has always been a pioneer in linking public passenger transport systems. (Photo: AVG)
078 23.08.2021 2021_078_Wasserstofftechnologien_KIT forscht in allen drei Leitprojekten des Bundes_72dpi
036 23.04.2021 2021_036_Jahresfeier_FaszinationWissenschaft_72dpi
026 23.03.2021 The MoNiKa facility will be used mainly for application-oriented research projects. (Photo: Markus Breig/Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)
015 23.02.2021 2021_015_Perowskit-Schichten genau beleuchtet_72dpi
118 22.12.2021 2021_118_Optik und Photonik_Duennster optischer Diffusor fuer neue Anwendungen_72dpi
104 22.11.2021 Among the most important sources for current communication on the pandemic are the websites of Robert Koch Institute. The project will study empirically whether such offers reach the users. (Photo: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)
070 22.07.2021 Estimated flooded area (> 75% of the area affected) in the district of Ahrweiler and in particular along River Ahr. (Figure: Andreas Schäfer, CEDIM/KIT)
069 22.07.2021 The container plant at Energy Lab 2.0 produces up to 200 l synthetic fuel mix per day. (Photo: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)
058 22.06.2021 2021_058_Nachhaltiger Rohstoffabbau aus Thermalquellen in Chile_1_72dpi
117 21.12.2021 As Data may be transferred via light, security critical systems need optical protection. (Photo: Andrea Fabry, KIT)
093 21.10.2021 2021_093_Energiewende_Neue Technologien fuer die Sektorenkopplung_72dpi
004 21.01.2021 Better understanding of the lifecycle accelerates the development of long-lasting, recyclable, and safe lithium-ion batteries. (Photo: Laila Tkotz, KIT)
116 20.12.2021 2021_116_Kuenstliche Intelligenz Digitaler Stift hilft beim Schreibenlernen_1_72dpi
092 20.10.2021 2021_092_Claudia Nemat erhaelt Heinrich-Hertz-Gastprofessur_72dpi
091 20.10.2021 2021_091_Deepfakes_Manipulationen als Gefahr fuer die Demokratie_72dpi
047 20.05.2021 2021_047_Qualitaetsoffensive fuer bessere Batterien _72dpi
034 20.04.2021 Figure 1: Within the framework of KIT’s LIMELISA project, components for large-scale thermal storage systems are tested in a liquid metal circuit. (Photo: Karsten Litfin, KIT)
035 20.04.2021 2021_035_Wissenschaftskommunikation NaWik entwickelt E Learning Angebot_72dpi
003 20.01.2021 2021_003_Energy-Harvesting_Gedruckte thermoelektrische Generatoren fuer die Energiegewinnung_72dpi
090 19.10.2021 In areas like future mobility and climate change, science may provide input in politics. This winter semester, the Colloquium Fundamentale will focus on “Science in Politics.” (Photo: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)
068 19.07.2021 Within the program of the ICM, aspiring engineers can contribute to research and cooperation projects and gain experience. (Photo: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)
046 19.05.2021 Dam on the Upper Atbara river in Sudan. Precise seasonal precipitation forecasts enable optimized operation. (Photo: Harald Kunstmann/KIT)
103 18.11.2021 2021_103_Blaupause fuer nachhaltige Mobilitaetsentwicklung_72dpi
089 18.10.2021 2021_089_4750 Studienanfaengerinnen und -anfaenger starten am KIT ins Wintersemester_72dpi
025 18.03.2021 2021_025_Mentale Gesundheit foerdert bei Kindern Aktivitaet im Lockdown_72dpi
014 18.02.2021 More than learning and teaching: The school as a hybrid system offers space for various user groups (Photo: Mandana Sedighi, KIT)
115 17.12.2021 2021_115_Hybride Lehre am KIT_Online-Formate sichern Praesenzveranstaltungen_1_72dpi
077 17.08.2021 2021_077_Gruener Wasserstoff_Katalysatorenoberflaeche im Blick_72dpi
057 17.06.2021 2021_057_Nachhaltige Ernaehrung - Mit alten Landsorten zu vertraeglicheren Getreideprodukten_72dpi
045 17.05.2021 2021_045_Qualitaet wissenschaftlicher Software nicht immer gut_72dpi
024 17.03.2021 A view to the south over Passaúna reservoir reveals different land uses – forest, agriculture, and settlements – in the direct vicinity.   (Photo: Tobias Bleninger, KIT)
114 16.12.2021 2021_114_Intelligente Batteriezellproduktion_72dpi
084 16.09.2021 The StoRIES research consortium will accelerate the development of innovative hybrid energy storage systems. (Photo: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)
013 16.02.2021 The new approach of the SKALE research project will result in a viable infrastructure solution for any parking areas with numerous charging stations. (Photo: Sandra Göttisheim, KIT)
113 15.12.2021 2021_113_Datenschutz und Datensicherheit Zertifizierung fuer virtuelles Lernen_72dpi
102 15.11.2021 2021_102_Neubau fuer praxisnahe und zukunftsorientierte Lehre am KIT_72dpi
083 15.09.2021 2021_083_Karlsruhe im Zeichen von KI und Digitalisierung_72dpi
056 15.06.2021 Microorganisms feel at ease in biofilms. In the microscope image, they are marked in different colors. (Photo: Ahmed Zoheir, KIT)
112 14.12.2021 KIT students demonstrate how plastics from household waste may be turned into reusable shipping boxes. (Photo: Gabi Zachmann, KIT)
067 14.07.2021 2021_067_KIT Science Week Karlsruhe ganz im Zeichen von KI_72dpi
055 14.06.2021 2021_055_Atmosphaerenforschung_Satellitenkonzept CAIRT Kandidat fuer Earth Explorer 11_72dpi
033 14.04.2021 2021_033_Online einkaufen oder vor Ort – eine individuelle Wahl_72dpi
002 14.01.2021 At KIT’s AIDA cloud simulation chamber, researchers study how clouds influence the climate. (Photo: Markus Breig)
076 12.08.2021 One of the venues of the Karlsruhe Light Festival will be the northern façade of the KIT Library near Adenauerring and Durlacher Tor. (Photo: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)
075 12.08.2021
044 12.05.2021 2021_044_Globale Landnutzungsaenderungen groesser als gedacht_72dpi
032 12.04.2021 Based on the Europium(III) scientists aim to  advance the development of Quantum Computers. (S. Kuppusamy, KIT)
012 12.02.2021 2021_012_Weitere 50 Millionen Euro fuer den Innovationscampus Mobilitaet der Zukunft_72dpi
001 12.01.2021 The thermomagnetic generators are based on magnetic thin films with highly temperature-dependent properties. (Photo: IMT/KIT)
088 11.10.2021 The GECKO project is aimed at considering the concerns and knowledge of all parties at an early stage when developing a plant for the use of deep geothermal energy. (Photo: Kira Heid, KIT)
043 11.05.2021 2021_043_Wasseraufbereitung Mit Sonnenlicht Hormone eliminieren_1_72dpi
023 11.03.2021 2021_023_Neues Kompetenzzentrum fuer Umwelttechnologie und -wissenschaften_72dpi
011 11.02.2021 Autonomous vehicles and Urban Air Mobility are among the applications that benefit from XANDAR. KIT's project partners include DLR and BMW. (Photo: XANDAR)
074 10.08.2021 A white-tailed bumblebee (bombus lucorum) visits a thistle at Kreuzeck, Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Populations of many European bumblebee species are presently decreasing. (Photo: Penelope Whitehorn, KIT)
054 10.06.2021 2021_054_Zuckerhirse_suesses Verspreche fuer die Umwelt_72dpi
022 10.03.2021 2021_022_Einsparpotenzial 55 000 Autokilometer pro Woche in der Region_72dpi
111 09.12.2021 2021_111_Leibniz-Preis fuer Almut Arneth_72dpi
081 09.09.2021 2021_081_GeoKarlsruhe 2021 Forschung fuer eine nachhaltige Entwicklung unseres Planeten_72dpi
082 09.09.2021 The sensor unit consists of a graphene field effect transistor on which a surface-mounted metal-organic framework is grown. (Figure: Sandeep Kumar, KIT)
066 09.07.2021 Refuels may be used in cars as well as in special vehicles and rail engines. (Photo: Markus Breig and Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)
053 09.06.2021 2021_053_Thomas Hirth neuer stellvertretender Eucor-Praesident_72dpi
010 09.02.2021 Check rather than postpone: The procrastination MOOC of KIT will help to better organize yourself. (Photo: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)
109 08.12.2021 2021_109_Sportwissenschaft_Appell fuer einen Bewegungspakt_72dpi
110 08.12.2021 2021_110_Verkehrssimulation_Ridepooling foerdert Verkehrswende_72dpi
080 08.09.2021 2021_080_Oeffentliche Konferenz_Arbeitswelten der Zukunft_72dpi
065 08.07.2021 2021_065_Erneuerbare Energien_Bergpanorama mit Windrad unerwuenscht_72dpi
052 08.06.2021 2021_052_Falling Walls Lab Karlsruhe_Ideen zur Loesung globaler Herausforderungen_72dpi
020 08.03.2021 2021_020_Mit KI Waelder schuetzen und bewirtschaften_72dpi
108 07.12.2021 2021_108_Wandlungsfaehige Produktionssysteme fuer die Automobilindustrie_72dpi
064 07.07.2021 2021_064_Besser Greifen mit intelligenten Kommissionierrobotern_72dpi
031 07.04.2021 2021_031_Elektronenstrahlschmelzen bringt sproedes Metall in Form_72dpi
087 06.10.2021 The award winners Dr. Gabriela Molinar (left) and Leona Schmidt-Speicher. (Photos: private, KIT)
063 06.07.2021 2021_063_Klimafester Baum_72dpi
073 05.08.2021 At the Schneefernerhaus Environmental Research Station, KIT scientists use laser radar systems to measure the composition of the atmosphere. (Photo: Markus Neumann)
042 05.05.2021 The combination of sensors and materials simulates the artificial sense of smell. (Photo: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)
101 04.11.2021 2021_101_Neuer Sensor kann immer kleinere Nanoteilchen erkennen _1_72dpi
072 04.08.2021 The automated plant will produce new materials for drug discovery and materials science through a combination of established equipment and open hardware components. (Foto: Patrick Hodapp, KIT)
041 04.05.2021 2021_041_Von Gewittern ueber Starkregen bis Duerreperioden_1_72dpi
019 04.03.2021 LogIKTram is aimed at shifting goods transportation from road to rail, thus improving the transport climate balance. (Photo: Paul Gärtner, KVV)
009 04.02.2021 The agreement signed by the Federation and the State means more flexibility and agility for KIT, says the President of KIT, Professor Holger Hanselka. (Photo: Manuel Balzer, KIT)
100 03.11.2021 2021_100_Kultur-Hackathon fuer Studierende und Tech-Begeisterte_72dpi
099 03.11.2021 2021_099_Software-Defined Car Grundlagen fuer Autos der Zukunft_72dpi
040 03.05.2021 2021_040_Gedruckte Schaltungen schuetzen Sensoren _72dpi
018 03.03.2021 2021_018_Agile Produktion_Mehr als 14 Millionen Euro fuer die Batterieforschung_1_72dpi
008 03.02.2021 KIT has been granted the right to continue assuring quality of its study programs on its own in the next eight years. (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT)
107 02.12.2021 2021_107_Forschung fuer die agile E-Motoren-Produktion_72dpi
098 02.11.2021 Microscopy of a nucleus: Transcription factories are colored orange, activated genes light blue. The nucleus has about one tenth of the thickness of a human hair. (Figure: Working groups Nienhaus and Hilbert, KIT)
062 02.07.2021 updated 08.07.2021 2021_062_Mit virtueller Realitaet den Neutrinos auf der Spur
051 02.06.2021 Designed elastic metamaterial structure made of a single linear elastic material. (Illustration: Dr. Yi Chen, KIT)
050 02.06.2021 In platooning, vehicles are connected to each other via an “electronic tow bar”, and the platoon can thus be easily split and reconnected. (Graphics created with CarMaker by IPG)
007 02.02.2021 Automated vehicles are equipped with sensors to measure information about them and their environment. (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT)
061 01.07.2021 2021_061_KIT erhaelt erneut Humboldt-Professur fuer internationalen Spitzenforscher_72dpi
017 01.03.2021 The KARLA Real-world Lab will increase the society’s awareness of climate protection and test selected climate protection actions in Karlsruhe. (Photo: Anastasiya Sultanova, KIT)