Division I - Biology, Chemistry, and Process Engineering

Division I comprises twenty KIT research institutes, the KIT Department of Chemistry and Biosciences and the KIT Department of Chemical and Process Engineering as well as  P2 - Natural, Artificial and Cognitive Information Processing (NACIP) and P3 - Materials Systems Engineering (MSE) in Helmholtz Information.

Collectively we are focused on our new research theme "Material and Energy Circuits in Circular Economy, Life Science Engineering, Process Technology and Digitalization". In this way, we research and teach the latest processes and methods of material and energy conversion for the circular economy and build a synergistic bridge to the life sciences. In terms of content, the size scales are addressed both theoretically and experimentally from nanogram synthesis to the near-industrial ton scale. All research in Division I is geared to the requirements of a resource-efficient data-based society.

Professor Dr. Andrea Robitzki has been Head of Division I since February 17th, 2020,

Head of Division Prof. Andrea Robitzki
Head of Division I

Prof. Dr. Andrea Robitzki







Contact Team Division I




Material and Energy Circuits in Circular Economy, Life Science Engineering, Process Technology and Digitization

Investigating sustainable production methods of hydrogen peroxide systematically is the task of the new DFG Research Group at KIT. PantherMedia / Boris Zerwann
Millions for the Everyday Product Hydrogen Peroxide

The German Research Foundation (DFG) grants 3.9 million euros to KIT research group that is investigating sustainable production methods for hydrogen peroxide.

Scheme of multibeam Ptychography: The splitting of the primary beam (left) into individual beams (pale gray plate in the center) enables the researchers to simultaneously examine and record several sample points (right). DESY, Mikhail Lyubomirskiy
New Imaging Technique with 3D-printed Nanolenses

KIT researchers and spin-off have developed key components for a new, ultra-precise and fast X-ray method

The winners of the idea award in the NEULAND innovation contest . From left to right: Prof Thomas Hirth, Prof Ute Schepers, Lea Franzreb, Eric Pohl, Anna Rösch, Prof Stefan Bräse, Axel Weisheit (Photo: Sandra Göttisheim)Sandra Göttisheim, KIT
Eyesight from a 3D Printer

KIT Researchers and Industry Partners Develop Process for Printing Personalized Corneas; Project Wins NEULAND Innovation Contest.

In the pilot plant, belite cement clinker is produced from previously seldom-used fine-grained crushed concrete and limestone at less than 1000 degrees Celsius in an electrically heated rotary kiln. (Photo: Helmut Reis, KIT)Helmut Reis, KIT
Pilot Plant Produces Climate-friendly Cement Clinker

KIT Reaches Milestone in Development of Net-zero Circular Concrete.

Image of active pioneer cell (center of image). Green indicates endothelial cell nucleus, grey the outline of the blood vessels. (Photo: Zoological Institute, KIT)
Cell Biology: Molecular Code Stimulates Pioneer Cells to Build Blood Vessels in the Body

KIT Researchers Discover Novel Cell Type that Controls the Formation and Growth of New Blood Vessels.

ITC presents circular economy for concrete with no emissions at Hannover Messeok
ITC presents circular economy for concrete with no emissions at Hannover Messe

Visit us at the KIT Future Hub in hall 2 B35 and at ITC




Professor Steffen Grohmann receives an ERC Advanced Grant for his project to develop a key technology for the Einstein telescope. (Photo: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT)Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
ERC Advanced Grant for Steffen Grohmann from KIT

Key Technology for the Einstein Telescope: European Research Council (ERC) Funds GRAVITHELIUM Project with EUR 3.4 Million

f.l.t.r.: The three members of the Board of Directors Edward Lemke, Sylvia Erhardt, and center spokesperson Michael Knop, as well as Phil-Alan Gärtig of the Carl Zeiss Foundation (Photo: Uwe Anspach, Heidelberg University – Communications and Marketing)Universität Heidelberg
New Center for Synthetic Genomics

Carl Zeiss Foundation Finances Establishment of Joint Facility in Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, and Mainz.

CIW Ingenierinnen Netzwerk ok
C/W- Ingenieurinnen Netzwerk (C/W 1N)

Das CIW- Ingenieurinnen Netzwerk (CIW IN) wurde 2021 von der KIT- Fakultät Chemieingenieurwesen und Verfahrenstechnik (CIW) im Zuge des ExU-Vorhabens Gender Equity 1 ins Leben gerufen. Ziel ist es, den Frauen innerhalb der Fakultät, unabhängig davon an welchem Punkt in ihrer wissenschaftlichen Karriere sie sich befinden, sowohl fachlichen als auch sozialen Austausch zu ermöglichen.

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